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January 2025. Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night. Time marches on!

We are now in Capricorn. We have had some mild winters with little or no snow, because of climate change, but this year we did have a white Christmas in some places. It has gone back and forth between balmy and bitterly cold. We’ll see what develops. Short days, long nights, but ever since the Solstice the days are getting longer. Here is a beautiful Full Moon in Gemini, from last month, coming up in the east behind my house, with Jupiter in conjunction.

From last month: Mars in Leo is in opposition to Pluto, which is now in Aquarius. Mars is retrograde, and will move back into Cancer, stationing in February. In mid-April Mars will be back in Leo and the opposition again. The extended opposition is bound to have a powerful, prolonged effect, both personally and in the greater scheme of things. It could pass quietly by with nothing more than a bad mood. Or, depending on your situation, there will be confrontations, obstructions from authority, cruelty, violence, and struggles for power and control.

At the same time, Jupiter is squaring Saturn and will continue in this pattern for a while. This is the push-me-pull-you effect. Something else to keep in mind.

Venus is the evening star. The winter sky is cold, clear, crisp and a deep blue so Venus shines like a diamond. At the same time you can see Venus, Jupiter is rising in the eastern sky. Nearby to Jupiter you can see Orion, Sirius the Dog Star and, on a clear night, the Pleiades.

An unexpected outside character has entered the mix in Washington. Elon Musk is not an elected official but a multi-billionaire entrepreneur. He is a little scary. He has been making in-roads with privatized space travel (Spacex), hybrid cars (Tesla), online banking (PayPal), social media (Twitter) and other things. He is an ambitious snake just like Trump and now the two of them are buddies, in bed together, figuratively speaking. Trump even created a job for him, co-director of the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (purpose as yet still unclear). Musk is a Cancer, which sounds benign enough. I’ll probably write something about him later on. He has both fortunate and dark aspects. Cancers are talented businessmen, and Musk is typical. They know how to make lots of money and how to make business grow. Most of the Rockefellers were born under Cancer, for example. Stay tuned. Pluto is doing his thing.

Celestial Almanac: Capricorn New Moon on New Year’s Eve, Cancer Full Moon January 13-14, Aquarius New Moon January 29. Happy New Year! A new chapter is beginning. Watch for opportunities, you just never know.

AriesThe Sun and Mercury in Capricorn are good for career activities at this time of year. Meetings, calls, new projects and activity on social media. Communications improve now that Mercury is direct. With Mars Rx you are in a high energy cycle and sometimes the energy comes out kind of crazy. You are accident prone so watch your step. Some people catch the flu and run a temperature, and if that happens, it is a signal you need a rest. So just take it easy.

TaurusUranus is stationing here all month and moving direct at the end. Sudden events could happen with the energy concentrated in one spot. In any case now that Uranus is direct there is a noticeable change for the better. You can move forward with new ideas, inventions and improved technology. A light bulb goes off in your head. Mars Rx is making things happen on the home front. If there is trouble, deal with it, be patient and tolerant. It will all work out in time.

GeminiRead about Virgo. Jupiter Rx can bring reckless spending, talking too much, and taking too many risks, depending on the person. You might say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Gemini is like that sometimes. Sit back, make plans but don’t act on them yet. During the Jupiter Rx something you hoped for may be denied, but just wait a little while longer. When Jupiter goes direct in February it could still happen. Venus in Pisces is nice, helpful in your career.

CancerWhen Mars backs up into Cancer on January 6 it could be a stressful time for some of you. But it will pass. The Sun in Capricorn focuses on relationships and when Mercury enters Capricorn there is better communication. Venus in Pisces is favorable for travel. Explore the arts and take a drawing or creative writing class. Venus brings spiritual inspiration and unconditional love. Read about Pisces below. Together with Saturn and Neptune this is a lovely transit.

LeoWith Mars here even though retrograde, your energies are high. Find a project that requires focus and physical hard work, to channel those energies. You can accomplish a lot. Because of Pluto some of you have to deal with a difficult boss, spouse, or other authority figures. Watch around January 21 when the Sun enters Aquarius and passes over Pluto. That day could be a little bumpy. Generally, the Sun here favors marriage and partnerships.

VirgoBecause of Jupiter think carefully before taking any risks. Watch your spending and don’t overextend yourself. And because Jupiter is in Gemini there is a tendency to gossip and talk too much. Be careful what you say and who you say it to. It might be detrimental to your career. Social media can be a dangerous trap. The Sun favors your social life, children’s activities, romance and making new friends. Venus in Pisces is nice for you married folks.

LibraThe Sun and Mercury in Capricorn shine a light on activities at home. Entertain friends and relatives you haven’t seen in a while. Get back in touch. Also clean house and organize your stuff. Mars Rx backing up into Cancer can cause some excitement in your career. There may be challenges or conflicts at work. You could be a spectator or the outright instigator. Generally it means that a problem must be addressed and this is the time to clear the air.

ScorpioWith Uranus in Taurus stationing (direct end of month), things could improve in your relationships. There could be an exciting change. A baby coming or a move to a nicer town for example. Or, the grass could be greener over the next ridge and you could leave suddenly. Singles may meet a new lover, have a whirlwind romance, and even elope. In addition, Venus arriving in Pisces is nice for romance, social life and making new friends. Creativity is enhanced.

SagittariusJupiter Rx is stationing and by the end of the month will go direct. Until then you may be careless, spending money and taking chances, and this may affect relationships. Too much fun perhaps. Well, we all go through that. Not to worry, soon the tide will change. After the station you will get better organized. Projects you are working on that may have stalled will soon show some results. Goals you have been reaching for are now within your grasp.

CapricornThe Sun and Mercury here put you in the spotlight. Like last month, this is your time to shine, before the sun goes into Aquarius. Take advantage of it. This is a fortunate period. Make new connections. Meet with higher-ups, apply for a better job. Mars backs up into Cancer on January 6, your marriage house and old unresolved issues may come up again, so now you talk things over, clear the air and work it all out. The kissing and making up will be worth it. 

AquariusThe Sun arrives here January 19 and Mercury comes in January 28. When they cross over Pluto on those dates, there could be nothing at all, or things could get interesting. Especially with Mars Rx in the opposite corner. You could assert yourself or others will. If the time is right, there is some kind of power play, or a permanent transformation. Uranus Rx stationing in Taurus brings surprises on the home front for some people.

PiscesSaturn and Neptune in Pisces are now direct, and while not in conjunction they still have a positive effect. Spiritual growth, wisdom, maturity, faith and unconditional love are increased. People born with them together in their charts are fortunate. Venus arrives here (her sign of exaltation) on January 3 which is an additional nice influence. Creative inspiration blossoms, and you could produce some beautiful art work. The love of your life may appear now. This will be a very pleasant period for you. Count your blessings!