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July 2021: Happy birthday, America! A brief comment on the Fourth of July.

Better late than never! CN Fourth of JulyMy son commented that I should write about what’s going on in the chart of this crazy country. There is already a lot of material out there about the birthday of the USA and the American Revolution. You can find several different charts on line. Take your pick. To begin with, it’s hard to really nail down a time for the actual event. But it is generally accepted that July 4, 1776 is the date agreed upon, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, when the ball started rolling.

Briefly, the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are in Cancer, the sign of the Crab. There is a strong emphasis on traditional family values. This sign is deeply patriotic. Business and industry have prospered, even though we have been through our share of hard times. We have abundant natural resources. Immigrants have been coming in droves seeking refuge from persecution, war and poverty, and seeking a better life. The Moon is in Aquarius. Civil rights and humanitarian causes have played a major part in our history.

Uranus will have a return in Gemini, the third one, in about four years. (Uranus takes 84 years to make one trip through the zodiac.) This suggests turmoil, revolution and radical change, which we’ve seen a lot of already, especially recently. The last time Uranus was in Gemini we were just winding up World War II and facing great changes at home. Technology was taking off, with the advent of television and the first computers. In this chart Uranus does not have difficult aspects. Uranus is trine Saturn in Libra (exalted in this sign) which is a good aspect for steady economic progress and a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We have the nation’s first Pluto return (in late Capricorn) going on since April, when he stationed retrograde. (Pluto takes 248 years to make one trip through the zodiac.) Pluto was also retrograde in July 1776. Since Pluto was only recently discovered, not much, if anything, has been written about the return. We haven’t seen one yet. I would imagine permanent transformation of some kind. Pluto has been in Capricorn for some years already. Our ways of life are changing. Our government has become more conservative, controlling and autocratic, resulting in upheaval, for good or ill. Food for thought, my children.

For further reading, see the in-depth article about America’s Pluto Return by Robert Wilkinson at Aquarius Papers. Is the United States Having A Pluto Return? – Aquarius Papers – Global Astrology

Celestial Almanac: Cancer New Moon July 10, Aquarius Full Moon July 24. In case you haven’t noticed, lovely Venus is now the evening star until Christmas.

Read on for the July forecast. Have fun this summer and stay safe.

AriesWith Venus and Mars in Leo, romance is favored, as well as children’s activities, sports, creativity, social events, barbecues and other fun and games. You should be in good spirits this month. Home life and communications are also accented now. Relatives and close friends are coming over. It’s a good time for a family reunion. Watch the Cancer New Moon on July 10. There will be a new beginning at that time, such as moving to a new residence.

TaurusLike Aries, home life is also favored for you. Venus and Mars together bring happiness, and the possibility of meeting a new romantic partner right in your own backyard. You may reconnect with an old friend or neighbor. This is a good time to patch things up with anyone with whom you have a score to settle. Be kind, be friendly. Lend a helping hand to your parents or relatives. The square to Uranus early in the month may bring a surprise or unexpected event.

GeminiThe Sun and Mercury put the focus on financial matters. Go over your investments and savings accounts. Go shopping, perhaps for computers, cellphones or a television. With Jupiter Rx in your career house, things may have slowed down but this isn’t a bad thing. Take a break and review your situation. Because of Venus and Mars there is more social activity in the neighborhood. Have a barbecue, company picnic or do volunteer work. It is generally a positive period.

CancerWhen the Sun is here (until July 22) you are in the spotlight. You attract attention, favors, new friends, and you look good. You sparkle. Take advantage of it. If you are hoping for a career change, you can make new connections now. Watch the Cancer New Moon on July 10. That might be an important day. Make a wish. Venus and Mars are good influences for financial activities. You might get a windfall at this time. Go shopping for beautiful things. Bargains abound.

LeoThis is a high energy period for you, and positive in many ways. Venus and Mars are all right tonight! They will be travelling together for the next several weeks. Creativity, romance and friendships are favored, as well as business activities. You feel great, are more physically active, and if you have been under the weather, there is a big improvement in your condition. Put on a red dress. It’s a good time to start an exercise program or any other creative project.

VirgoBecause of Uranus travel is indicated, and it could be interesting in an unusual way. You may learn new things and get a different point of view of life. You may be invited to go on a retreat (Venus and Mars in the 12th house) or to an unusual destination such as Tibet. Or you may take a sabbatical and study new subjects. Whatever happens, grab the chance. Life could be quiet and humdrum, or it could be exciting and enlightening.

LibraThe Sun and Mercury are helpful to your career and public life. You will certainly get some attention. There will be lots of zoom meetings and people trying to get in touch with you. At the Cancer New Moon on July 10, you can start a new job or project. New horizons beckon. You may make a public appearance. If you are in the arts, promote yourself. Advertise or have a gallery opening. Venus and Mars bring new friends and group activities.

ScorpioBecause of Venus and Mars, there is movement in your career. There could be a romance in the office. Negotiations or anything of a diplomatic nature will be successful. Someone could give a you a boost up the professional ladder. This is the aspect under which you can use your charm and magnetism to reach the top, if you are so inclined. Keep things honorable and above board. Because of the Sun and Mercury, you can also travel this month.

SagittariusVenus and Mars may bring you a chance to travel, which Sagittarius loves to do, and there may be romance at your destination. You should go someplace luxurious, beautiful and exotic, such as Paris, Hawaii or a B&B in the country. Creativity and education are also favored. This is a positive, high energy cycle, Mars being in a fire sign, and you will get a lot done this month. You are in better physical shape and your health is good.

CapricornBecause of the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, there is a focus on relationships of all kinds. Work on your marriage. Have some fun, share insights and talk things over. Go away for a short vacation together. This is also good for business relationships. Because of Venus and Mars, you may get an inheritance or a good return on investments. A pension or social security may kick in at this time.

AquariusVenus and Mars in the 7th house brings a good chance for romance, or you can work on your marriage. Generally, this is a very pleasant time for you. There is friendship and love in your life. Creativity is also favored. Because of Saturn you may meet an older partner, someone who can teach you things. Or, you may help your partner in a time of need. This might be a test of your patience, compassion and the endurance of the relationship. A marriage that has outlasted its usefulness may end at this time.

PiscesJupiter is retrograde so his energy is turned inward and your activities may have slowed down but it’s just temporary. Don’t push too hard to accomplish things right now. There is a time and place for everything. Since both Jupiter and Neptune are both here, retrograde, there is a tendency to want to spend time alone, go on a retreat, meditate or study spiritual subjects. Nothing wrong with that either. Use this period to reflect on your life, and to remember God.