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February 2025. Observations of spring’s arrival around the world and other planetary miscellany, but no more politics, I promise. Too depressing.

Here is an inspired work, of the planets seen last month at the Full Wolf Moon. The Moon coming up with Mars, Jupiter with Aldebaran, Venus in the west with Saturn and Neptune.

The Chinese New Year of the Snake is on January 29 (New Moon). That came up early this year and I forgot to mention it last time. Gong Hey Fat Choy! Also known as the Spring Festival, in traditional Chinese culture it marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, much like Imbolc. Families clean their houses the night before, sweeping out bad luck and making room for incoming good luck. Special holiday foods are served, such as egg rolls, dumplings and long noodles. Money is given in red envelopes, red symbolizing good luck.

There is a spring celebration of some kind in every culture at this time of year. Imbolc (Celtic) is on February 1, the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, halfway through winter, considered by some to be the actual first day of spring. It coincides roughly with Groundhog Day, February 2. The groundhog tells us if he sees his shadow or not. Since 2023, Imbolc/Saint Brigid’s day is an annual public holiday in Ireland. Imbolc is associated with the arrival of lambs and the beginning of the planting season. Customs include spring cleaning, various offerings to Saint Brigid, music festivals and the making of Brigid’s crosses.

Venus the evening star is slowing down. She conjuncts Neptune exactly on February 1 (Imbolc!) in 27 Pisces. It just lasts for one day and is a lovely romantic influence. Lovers can express their feelings for each other. Write poems, send cards or go on a romantic date. Secret love affairs begin, or a secret admirer may reveal himself to you. Creative inspiration is strong, even if no lover comes along. Paint, draw or write songs. Go out and enjoy nature. If only it lasted more than one day. On February 4 Venus enters Aries. She will retrograde during March and the first half of April, in Aries. She will back up over the Saturn Neptune conjunction for a repeat visit. I may write more about that in the spring.

Celestial Almanac: Aquarius New Moon January 29, Leo Full Moon February 12, Pisces New Moon February 28. Mars, Jupiter and Venus are highly visible in the night sky. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love one another!

AriesBecause of Mars Rx things might still be kind of bumpy at home but just deal with it. Do some hard physical work around the house or rearrange the furniture. If you aren’t getting along with someone, thrash it out and clear the air. This too shall pass. Venus moves into your sign and that will help things a lot. The Leo Full Moon February 12 is very good for your social life. Go out on a Valentine’s Date. Romance, friendships, sporting events and children’s activities are favored.

TaurusUranus just stationed direct in 23 Taurus on January 30. That is a powerful concentration of Uranus energies, which is in effect the whole month. No wonder there was a plane crash. At any time, without warning, something could happen to change the course of things. Or you may have a brilliant idea or an urge to do something different. Whatever happens just go with the flow and trust your gut instincts. There is a good reason for everything.

GeminiJupiter stations direct on February 5, and thank God, it’s about time. Every planet is now moving direct except Mars, which stations direct at the end of the month. Your plans should proceed at last. Jupiter brings optimism and lucky breaks. If you need money or a favor from a higher-up, you’ll get it. Communications will improve and travel is favored. Maybe you were planning a trip and it was held up until now. Adventure is out there, go for it.

CancerMars Rx stations here on February 17 and you will feel a lot better. If you have been out of sorts, moody or cranky, you will cheer up. If you have been ill or getting over an injury you will recover and get out more. Go to PT, be patient and it will pay off. You’ll be back in the saddle again. Venus in Aries will help you in your work. You can promote yourself and show off your creations. Coming up there is more involvement with the arts, entertainment or women’s groups.

LeoThe Sun in Aquarius puts the spotlight on relationships. Mercury is here, which improves communications. It is generally a positive happy period. Do more stuff with your partner and put the spark back. Uranus could bring a turnover in your career. Watch the Leo Full Moon on February 12. A project comes to completion and the results are in. A situation comes to a head. It could be a very romantic time, with Valentine’s Day coming up. Tell someone you love them!

VirgoJupiter in Gemini is direct, at last, and this is great for career and business. Kind of a relief, in fact. No more dragging your feet, no more delays. Whatever was holding up your plans has now disappeared. It is a good time to expand. You can move to a bigger office. If you need money, you’ll get it. You may be thrust into the public eye, which will bring with it great opportunity. You can make new connections with the right people.

LibraVenus moving into Aries is great for your marriage. Romance and happy times together. This is also good for all business partnerships. You can start a new company or creative enterprise. Jupiter is direct in Gemini, at last, and this favors travel, adventure and education. This could be an exciting time for you. A cruise or vacation is coming up, maybe something you have been waiting for and that was put on hold. Adventure is out there!

ScorpioThe Uranus station may affect some partnerships. A sudden parting of the ways or a rift, or conversely, a whirlwind love affair. Things can happen in business relationships as well. Even if there isn’t an event there is a change in the wind, you can feel it. When Mars stations on February 17 it will free you up to travel. Take the trip you were planning a while ago. The Sun and Mercury are favorable for household activities and family stuff.

SagittariusJupiter has finally gone direct, thank goodness, and this is good for all relationships. Move in together. If you have been trying to plan a wedding, nothing stands in the way now. Married folks can rekindle the spark. Find activities to share and take a romantic vacation. This is also a very good transit for business partnerships. When Venus enters Aries on February 4 your social life picks up. Romance, friendships, creativity and children’s activities are favored.

CapricornMars turns direct in Cancer, your marriage house so if things are rough right now, they will get better. Work it all out, meet halfway, kiss and make up. Remember, Mars here can also be very exciting and passionate. This is a station so the energies are more concentrated. It’s a high energy period in many ways. Make sure you have plenty of work to do, and be careful. You are more accident prone right now. Venus in Aries favors your home life.

AquariusWhile the Sun and Mercury are here, things are going well for you. It is a very positive period. Uranus stationing in Taurus suggests unexpected events at home, and conversely, in your career and public life, depending on your situation. You might decide to move overnight, or buy property. Jupiter stationing in Gemini helps your social life. You will get out more and meet people who bring new ideas and adventures. Jupiter also favors conception so be prepared.

PiscesBriefly, Venus is conjunct Neptune February 1. Take advantage of this! It only lasts one day but it could be a beautiful and memorable one. Love and affection are easily expressed. Secrets come out. You may also create some inspired artwork, so have your sketchbook handy. Mars stationing in Cancer favors romance, physical expression and social life in general. Fun and games. A new lover appears in your life. At the Pisces New Moon February 28 you can make a new beginning. Party on!