Planets crossing the ascendant manifest in different ways. There are changes or subtle alterations in appearance, personality, goals and directions. You explore new interests. You might experiment with your fashion style or cut your hair differently. You can put on weight or lose it. Saturn can make you lose weight, if you are working harder physically, recovering from an illness or you may be more disciplined with your diet. With Saturn you can follow a workout regimen more seriously. You are focused and grounded.
When Jupiter, the planet that expands, goes through the 1st house, you can gain weight, or in some cases, get pregnant, like one lady I know. I saw in her chart, Jupiter going into her 1st house, and asked her if she was trying to get pregnant. She was the right age. I predicted she could. She didn’t want anyone to know it was in the plan, and was surprised that I guessed it. Sure enough, she got pregnant at that time. Once, contrary to the general rule, when Jupiter was in my 1st house opposite Pluto, I lost 15 lbs. This transit was more about physical transformation than expansion.
Sometimes you don’t realize what is happening until you look backward later. In fact, whatever happens is never what you expected. Life wouldn’t be interesting without the element of surprise.
Relationships develop or come to an end with transits to the ascendant. I knew someone who began an affair when Saturn crossed her ascendant and squared natal Saturn at the same time. The affair was karmic. There was a deep emotional involvement but also lessons in patience and sacrifice (Saturn). When Uranus crossed my ascendant, my husband left. I was free, after a difficult 20-year attachment. This was also karmic and I learned many lessons. Uranus can indicate a burst for freedom and suddenly the jailhouse door is open.
To understand the importance of the ascendant, you should have your chart set up, which shows the layout of your ascendant and the 12 houses, and where your Moon, Venus, Mars and other planets are. You can get a free natal chart at You need to know what time you were born and where. The planet that rules your ascendant, as well as the planet that rules your Sun sign, is an important key to understanding your personality. Some people respond more to the ascendant than the Sun sign, or they are a mixture of both. Presently, people with Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants are experiencing many interesting changes. Also, people with ascendants in Pisces (Neptune is here) and Taurus (Uranus is here.)
Celestial Almanac: Pisces New Moon March 13, conjunct Neptune. Dreams, intuition, divination and creative inspiration are especially important on this day. Be careful, you might get what you wish for. Virgo Full Moon February 27, Libra Full Moon March 28. Spring Equinox March 20.
Read on for the March forecast. Note that the light is already changing. Catch that spring fever.
When the Sun and Venus arrive together on March 20, it will be very nice for you. You look good, feel good, and love is all around. You attract new people into your world. Pamper yourself a little. Buy new clothes. Get a haircut and manicure. You might be invited out. You will be the center of attention. It’s a good time for artists and performers to promote themselves. I know an Aries artist who is just wrapping up a show at a Florida gallery right now. He is already getting a lot of attention. This will be a successful period for him.
Mars is about to exit. Hope you got some work done. Uranus here is still in a square to Saturn so if there are any roadblocks, work with them. If something gets in the way, go around it. Whatever is happening, work with it. Taurus is very persistent. They can take charge, handle hard work and responsibilities. With Mercury in Aquarius until March 15, communications and technology are in focus. Lots of meetings and calls, especially regarding your career.
When Mars arrives on March 4, you get a jumpstart. You are usually pretty lively anyway. Geminis can’t sit still. The next few weeks will be a high energy period. Make sure you have some building projects lined up, or study, speaking, writing or art. Physical activities of all kinds are favored. You will bounce around from one thing to the next. That’s okay. Multi-tasking is your forte. Use this time to get back in shape. Work out more or go walking. Start a new fitness program. This is a favorable time for surgery or physical therapy.
With Venus in Pisces the first half of the month, friendships and partnerships blossom. You may get to see people more or get in touch with those far away. Creativity and self-expression are favored, as well as travel. A change of scene would be nice. At the Spring Equinox, the Sun and Venus together will benefit your career or public image. You might get a raise, a good annual review or a job opportunity, something to do with the arts, fashion or entertainment. Women may be helpful to you.
As with Cancer, the Spring Equinox is a very positive time for you. You will be in high spirits and there will be new beginnings. Travel, new horizons and adventure are in the cards, after March 20. If you don’t take a trip then go to a museum or lecture, or visit some place unusual that will inspire your creativity, and get your juices flowing. Some of you may go in a different direction, for example study other media such as painting, sculpture or theater arts. Children’s activities appeal to you. Whatever it is, bright lights and colors will be involved.
With the Virgo Full Moon at the end of February, you may review your health and lifestyle. The best time to start a diet or new routine will be at the Pisces New Moon on March 13. Visualize hopes and dreams. Mars in Gemini favors career moves. A new relationship may begin. With Neptune and Venus here, the person you have been dreaming of may now appear. It may be just a little crush or it may be the love of your life. It may be a secret affair or someone who admires you from a distance. Enjoy the ride but keep both feet on the ground. Creativity and intuitive powers are enhanced.
The Spring Equinox puts the focus on relationships, especially with Venus involved. New partners may come down the pike, or existing relationships will improve. Spend more time together. Go out on a date or take a weekend at a B&B in the country. You can also make new friends at this time, and business deals. With Mars in Gemini, you have plenty of physical energy to get things done. Mars benefits all the air signs. Fitness, physical therapy, creative activities and travel are favored. You might have the urge to get up and go, so just go.
Mars trines Saturn and Jupiter this month, in the air signs. The Mars trines are generally helpful for everyone and for you they benefit activities on the home front. Renovations, re-decorating, family life and entertaining are favored. At least move the furniture around. If you are buying property or closing on a new home, it will proceed smoothly. Some people may get transferred to a different city. Apply for jobs now, and set up interviews. With the Pisces New Moon on March 13, romance, social events and children’s activities are favored.
Mars in Gemini puts the focus on relationships. The passion meter goes up and it can be an exciting time. Sparks might fly one way or the other, but this is generally a very positive transit, with Mars trine to Saturn and Jupiter. You can get a lot of work done and your outlook is optimistic. This is a better time than other times to take a calculated risk, such as in finance or business. You are also in very good health, and will see a big physical improvement. It is a favorable time for surgery and childbirth.
The Spring Equinox on March 20 is very good for Capricorn. It favors a fresh start, mainly on the home front. In some way there is a positive change in your life. Put the useless or obsolete behind you. A new chapter begins. You may go house hunting or buy new furniture. For some of you this benefits your career and public life. There may be expansion within the company. Your work will go more smoothly. The Mars trines make your life a little easier. Like with Sagittarius, physical therapy and surgery are also favored.
Keep in mind with Jupiter and Saturn here, controlled expansion and controlled progress. They are separating but later in the year will join up again. Mars in Gemini this month is trine to Saturn first then a little later, Jupiter. These are excellent planetary influences. You have lots of energy to get things done and a positive outlook. Your social life picks up. As with Sagittarius and Gemini, this is a good time for physical therapy and surgery. The Mars and Jupiter trine is the best transit for ladies giving birth.
Watch that Pisces New Moon on March 13. With Neptune and Venus here, wishes could come true in an unexpected way. Love is coming. This could be one warm and fuzzy day to remember. Make wishes! Visualize what you want to be, where you want to go. Then believe in it. You may just daydream a lot but something good could come of it. On this day someone may do you a favor or you may receive money or a gift. Fortune smiles upon you. Mercury arrives March 15, increasing and improving communications.