January 2021: A new beginning. I was visiting with an old friend recently. One thing we concurred on was how we think we know the December 2020: A year we would like to forget. From last month: Jupiter and Saturn are picking up steam, separating from Pluto and soon to leave Capricorn at the November 2020: Waiting for the other shoe to drop. This report is late, sorry folks. Life is getting in the way but sometimes that happens. Mercury just stationed on October 2020: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Ripples in the Pond. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, setting up a new firestorm in Washington. On top of trying to September 2020: The Autumn Equinox and Planetary Updates. The Autumn Equinox on September 22 is an important cycle change. (The equinoxes and the solstices indicate cycle changes throughout August 2020: Astrology, Spirituality and Revelation. I’ve been reading and enjoying The Seeker’s Field Guide by Dana Kester McCabe, a widely respected Quaker minister and my July 2020: Planetary updates: Mars and Saturn I gave you a little advance warning last month. Mars has just entered Aries, his home port. (His other seasonal June 2020: The Summer Solstice is here! The Sun arrives in Cancer on June 20, the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. From Celestial May 2020: Planetary Updates: General Miscellany. This month, I give you the current state of the cosmic union. For starters, Mercury is on the fast track, April 2020: The Coronavirus Pandemic: One astrologer’s opinion. People are asking, what are the stars doing, Val? What is in the planets? A woman said to me recently, « Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 Next »