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September 2021: The Four Elements.

I recently saw a Facebook post about the joy of going barefoot outside. If you do this, you reconnect with Mother Earth. There is an exchange of energies. The same thing happens when you dig in the garden. When you get your hands right in there with the dirt. Think about it. You feel good. I read about this some years ago, when I had a house with a garden. I realized it was true the next time I went out to my garden. It felt good getting my fingers in there and kneeling on the ground. I connected with the earth. I don’t have a garden now and I miss it. But I plant flowers by the front door, and keep a planter on the deck with herbs.

A similar thing happens when you shower, bathe, enjoy a jacuzzi or when you go in the ocean. When you shower you wash away the negative energies that accumulate after a day’s worries or stress. You feel much better, don’t you? When you go in the ocean it’s ten times better than a shower. The ocean has a healing effect. I feel like a million bucks even if I just go in wading and splash myself. You connect with both the ocean and earth (bare feet in the sand, you see).

Our physical lives are circumscribed by technology, metal and concrete, especially if we live in a city. We spend our time playing with electronic toys and gadgets, which sadly we have become entirely dependent on. There are hard floors and walls all around and we don’t touch the earth or breathe in fresh air. Unless we open the windows and let in a little pollution, and the smell of cut grass. The smell of rain and snow approaching perhaps. Think about it. Does anyone know what that smells like anymore?

We all have something of the four elements in our charts, and in our bodies. We need to stay connected with them. It’s synchronicity. Fire, water, air and earth. Some have more earth, some have more fire, etc. I have some of all four, but mostly water (5 planets in Cancer). If you are missing an element, say, no planets in earth, for example, you won’t miss being outside. You may not go for camping and would rather have a nice hotel room. Or the reverse is also possible, you may crave an outing in the woods or digging in a garden, as if to compensate for the missing element.

A fire person (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is very active physically, aggressive, temperamental and gets into fights easily. They are full of energy that needs a good outlet. Fire people like candles on the dining room table, fireworks, a working wood stove or fireplace and they like to build the campfires at the camp site. They are also very good at welding, soldering and working with metals. They like to work on cars and engines. They like guns and going hunting.

A water person (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) prefers to live near water. They are much happier. They love the beach, swimming and sailing. Oceans and lakes are the best but a large Olympic swimming pool nearby will do nicely. Even a pond, or a creek running through the neighborhood. They are usually good swimmers and divers, and if not athletic, then they enjoy just floating around in a spa, pool or lake. They are changeable, moody, sensitive and often psychic.

An air person (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is mostly a mental type. This person is very thoughtful, loves to read, asks questions, is a good student, a fast learner, talented at languages and communications. Many are intellectuals. Air types may have a short attention span, like Gemini, for example. Their heads are in the clouds. This type has no problem with today’s technology and is very much at home with smart phones, apps, I-pads, tablets, laptops, etc.

An earth person (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) loves the outdoors. He likes hiking and camping. He usually has a garden or houseplants. He doesn’t mind getting dirty. Real estate, landscaping, farming, and development are appealing, and these people usually have nice houses. They are materialistic and like to buy expensive things. They are sensible and grounded. They make good realtors, bankers and businessmen. They save their money but they can be a little stingy.

Celestial Almanac: Autumn Equinox on September 22. Virgo New Moon on September 7, Pisces Full Moon on September 21. Mercury stations Rx on September 27 so plan accordingly.

Read on for the September forecast. Notice that the days are getting shorter.

AriesThe Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars are in your marriage house at various times during the month. Generally, it is a positive period. All one-to-one relationships will be in closer focus. If you aren’t married, this means friendships or business partners. Watch the Autumn Equinox when the Sun moves into Libra. Love is in the air. Married couples can rekindle the flame. Communications are favored. Mars arrives in Libra on September 15 and tempers could flare up. But you can work things out and clear the air. Sometimes this is necessary. Also, Mercury stations Rx in Libra on September 27. Be ready for that.

TaurusVenus moves into Scorpio, your marriage house, on September 10. This is very nice for close friendships, marriage and business relationships. You may have a creative project with a new partner, for example. Romance is favored. It’s a good time to go on a romantic date, or go away for a weekend. Venus opposite Uranus on September 23-24 may bring a surprise. While Mars and the Sun are still in Virgo before the Equinox, social life and children’s activities are favored.

GeminiMars and the Sun are still in Virgo, so finish up house projects or renovations. Building, landscaping and crafts are favored. By the time of the Equinox, they will be in Libra and your social life will be livelier. Friends come calling. You are very popular, especially while Venus is still in Libra. There will be sports events, barbecues, hikes, activities with children. Watch the Autumn Equinox when the Sun moves into Libra. Your ruling planet Mercury stations Rx in Libra on September 27, and you know how that works. Get your ducks in a row before then.

CancerWith the Autumn Equinox on September 22, you will be very busy at home. This is a fun time for Cancer, sprucing things up, leaf raking, renovating, decorating and so on. Buy pumpkins and mums. Have an open house or a family reunion. It is the time of the harvest so reflect on what you accomplished this year. When Mars enters Libra on September 15, there may be some tension. Watch your step. Take care of your health. Channel your energy into a creative project. You can either be cranky or make yourself useful.

LeoVenus arrives in Scorpio on September 10, and makes some interesting connections. Venus opposite Uranus on September 23-24 may bring a surprise. Venus trine Neptune on September 30 is a good influence for creativity, sentimental gestures, friendships and romance. You may have a secret admirer. A stroke of luck could come from nowhere. There will be creative projects and social gatherings at home. Plan a reunion. There may be some happy news, like a wedding. Career activities are also favored.

VirgoMars is here until September 15 and the Sun until Sept. 22, the Autumn Equinox. You are still in a high energy cycle and can get a lot of work done, but be careful not overdo it. Take a break. Mars is opposite Neptune September 2, and the Sun opposite Neptune September 14. You may be a little flakey on those days. It will be harder to focus, so take those days off. Allow yourself to daydream. Go to the beach. Relax, watch a movie, enjoy yourself and do something creative.

LibraThe Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars are moving through here at various times during the month. You are in the spotlight, especially with Venus your ruling planet here. Many areas of your life will be favorably influenced under these influences. Romance, relationships of all kinds, social events, communications, work, health, fitness, beauty treatments, creative projects, buying new things for yourself or the home, any or all of the above. Feel the love. Life is good.

ScorpioVenus arrives on September 10. This raises your passion and charisma levels. Romance is favored. You are more attractive to the opposite sex, and chances are pretty good that someone is coming down the pike. If this is not the case, do something creative. Do something nice for a friend. Express yourself. Do some painting or crafts. There could be money, luck or an unexpected opportunity. Read about Leo. Watch the Pisces Full Moon on September 21.

SagittariusThe lunations this month are important for you. They influence both public life and the home. The Virgo New Moon on September 7 favors new beginnings or a change in career. Make plans. Start a project or a new job. Mars in Virgo gives you extra drive and confidence. The Pisces Full Moon on September 21 brings fulfillment or climax, especially since it falls in the final degree of the sign. Babies will be born. A situation comes to a head. You could finish a big project.

CapricornAs with Cancer, another cardinal sign, the Autumn Equinox is also an important time of year for you. Libra is your career house. Many things are covered here, such as your work, personal success, ambition, authority figures, elderly parents, public life, government, politics, fame or notoriety. Review what you have accomplished this year. The Sun in Libra may bring you some favorable attention. While the Sun and Mars are still in Virgo it looks very good for traveling.

AquariusRead about Leo. Venus could make things interesting. Careers and public life are favored. You can make a very good impression. Presentations, self-promotion or making a pitch of some kind bring positive results. Venus opposite Uranus on September 23-24 may bring the unexpected or unusual. Venus trine Neptune on September 30 is a good influence for creativity, sentimental gestures, friendships and romance. Inspiration. Someone is watching you from a distance.

PiscesLike last month, Mars and the Sun in Virgo before the Equinox give you lots of energy that needs to be channeled. You can get a lot of work done. Watch your temper and don’t be too sensitive. Beware of someone trying scam you or cover up the truth. Relationships are favored and you can rekindle the flame. The Venus transits will bring pleasant experiences. The end of the month could be a very romantic time for some of you, as well as inspired and creative.