April 2024. Recap: the phenomenon of eclipses. The Solar Eclipse in Aries. A total solar eclipse is expected on April 8, with the best viewing areas in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana, March 2024. A Stellium again this month, in Pisces. Marc Edmund Jones Patterns. How I can pull a forecast out... Seven planets move through Pisces at different times in March, followed by Mars at the end of the line, which February 2024. We have a Stellium in Aquarius, including Pluto. What a handful. A cluster of planets, three or more, is called a stellium. Happening in one sign this puts an accent on New Year’s Predictions for 2024 As the New Year begins, the Sun is catching up with Pluto and the two of them arrive together in January 2024. A new year begins. Interesting stuff happening with Pluto entering Aquarius. The Sun is catching up with Pluto and the two of them arrive together in Aquarius on January 20-21. It December 2023. Transits in action: Uranus Rx in Taurus 3rd house, square Pluto 7th house of direct enemies. A personal... I have been reflecting on a sticky situation at home that has been percolating since the summer. I thought about November 2023. Aimless wanderings through Scorpio and the 8th house. I don’t know what to write about this month. The Sun is in Scorpio now so I tend to dwell October 2023. Samhain. Arcturus, the autumn evening star. Samhain (Halloween, All Saints’ Eve) is coming up, that most mystical time of year. Also, the midpoint of the autumn September 2023. Somewhere over the rainbow… One day recently I woke up at dawn and through my window I saw a rainbow over the mountain. What August 2023. A review of Her Ladyship, planet Venus. The love planet Venus rules Taurus and Libra, and is quite at home there. She is exalted in Pisces. Creativity « Previous 1 2 3 4 … 7 Next »