May 2023. Spring has sprung. Pluto the destroyer. A comment that will make you think. I have a lovely view of the Ramapo Mountains at my house. Recently, on April 11, the mountains, a sepia April 2023. The Easter egg. A closer look at Mars transiting in Cancer. Easter eggs are a symbol of fertility and rebirth in many cultures, as well as the empty tomb of Jesus March 2023. The Spring Equinox is here, and several planets change signs. Venus and Jupiter are kissing in the evening sky as this month opens! What a lovely sight! This month’s graphic February 2023. Groundhog Day and the Wheel of the Year Groundhog Day, or the Celtic festival of Imbolc is on February 1-2. Here is a brief review. Also known as January 2023. Transits to welcome in the New Year. Mercury has been retrograde in Capricorn since just after Christmas, and will station around January 19. You know what to December 2022: Mars Rx and other comments about retrogrades. Mars is retrograding in Gemini until mid-January. You should be used to this energy by now. Communications, speaking engagements, interviews, November 2022: A return visit to Pluto this month, the planet of transformation. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, the sign we are in right now. Here are outtakes from previous articles, a October 2022: Samhain: ghosts, goblins, witches and enchantments! On a lighter note this month, let’s talk about Halloween, probably my favorite holiday besides Christmas. I enjoy my candy September 2022: Drought on the east coast: the well is dry today. If nobody minds, I’m taking this month off. Here is the forecast but I have no other gems to offer. August 2022: A closer look at the retrograde planets this month. At the end of August five planets will be retrograde. All of the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … 7 Next »